
Castle Auenstein (AG)

The first castle was built around the eleventh century by the Habsburger Empire. The first time it was mentioned was when the Count of Gowenstein became the owner in 1212. The castle owned and ruled the community of Auenstein. The count governed the entire community and had his own court system. The ownership of Auenstein changed hands in 1307 from the Count of Gowenstein to Herren von Rynach, through the Duke of Austria. The Herren von Rynach built the first church in Auenstein in 1302. The castle burned in 1389 when it was attacked by the Austrians and Berners. During the attack, approximately 100 Auensteiners were killed. (Source)


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Castle Aarburg

Huge Castle in Aarburg. More information (translated by Google)

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Castle Waldegg

Waldegg Castle Convention Centre and Museum, Feldbrunnen-St.Niklaus. 18th-century patrician interiors and baroque garden.


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Castle Rapperswil

The castle of Rapperswil probably dates back to the 13th century. It dominates the old town and is placed on a hill. On the lands surrounding the castle deer are kept. Since 1870 to the castle has been home to the National Polish Museum, created by emigrants (including owner of the castle - Władysław earl Broel-Plater). (source: Wikipedia)

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Schloss Neu-Bechburg, Oensingen

(Unfortunately, i found no description in english, please visit the Google translated version of this article.)

Die kurz nach 1250 von den Freiherren von Bechburg erbaute Burg wechselte in der Folge mehrmals die Besitzer. Unter ihnen finden wir die Grafen von Froburg, von Nidau, von Thierstein, von Kiburg und von Buchegg. Konrad von Laufen verkaufte Burg und Herrschaft 1415 an Bern, das noch im gleichen Jahre die Stadt Solothurn als Mitbesitzerin einsetzte, wohl zum Dank für die Mithilfe bei der Eroberung des Aargaus. 1463 gelangte Solothurn in den Alleinbesitz und errichtete hier einen bevorzugten Landvogteisitz. Bevorzugt wohl deshalb, weil die zentrale Lage im danach sich allmählich bildenden „Kanton“ schon damals eine eminent wichtige Rolle zu spielen begann. (Source)

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Castle of Grandson

Visit the beautiful Romanesque church of the 11th Century, with its historical curiosities and the castle (11th - to 14th Century), which offers permanent exhibitions as well as the popular automobile museum with Greta Garbo's white Rolls Royce. Tourist Information

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Hallwil Castle

Hallwyl is one of the most beautiful castles with ditches which remained to us, it éléve in the north of the lake of the same name. In the west of the island created by nature, the digging of a ditch in the horseshoe shape allowed the formation of a second small island, artificial this time. It is here that draw up the buildings of the fortress. As a whole, the installation of Hallwyl built on two islands of different surface corresponds to the type of the strong castle of plain such as XIe century knew it. (Translated from french by yahoo...) Tourist information

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Schloss St. Andreas

Funde am Schlosshügel lassen vermuten, dass hier um 400 n.Chr., vielleicht auch schon früher, die Römer, die damals die Schweiz beherrschten, siedelten. An der Stelle der heutigen Kapelle stand schon in römischer Zeit eine Kultstätte. Im 8.Jahrhundet soll diese Kirche dem „heiligen Bischof ohne Namen“ als Gotteshaus gedient haben. Heute erscheinen uns Schloss und Kirche St.Andreas mit ihrem über 67'000 Quadratmeter grossen Umgelände als natürliche Einheit. Das Schloss ist in Privatbesitz. Der prachtvolle Park wird zweimal pro Jahr für die Bevölkerung geöffnet. (Quelle)


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Castelgrande Bellinzona

The main attraction of Bellinzona are the three dominating castles, Castel Grande (or Castel Vecchio or Burg Uri), Castello di Montebello (Burg Schwyz), and Castello di Sasso Corbaro (Burg Unterwalden). The form an intricate defense system that virtually cut through the valley. Built in the 13th century, and continually enlarged until around 1500, it is one of Switzerland's most impressive defense systems from the middle ages. (Text from


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Lenzburg Castle

In 1036, Schloss Lenzburg was used for the first time as seat for the count of Lenzburg. Those were important fiefs at the time. The house died out in 1173, and the castle was then transferred to emperor Barbarossa. In the following period, it was mainly used by the Kyburger house. The Habsburger took over the castle in 1273. City rights were granted in 1306. (source: wikipedia)

castle lenzburg

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Sightseeing Switzerland

See the beauty of Switzerland from a bird's point of view


See Switzerland's most beautiful Sights using the great map service of and sometimes google local. If you know a interesting sight, please suggest it here. Visitors



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