Castle Auenstein (AG)
The first castle was built around the eleventh century by the Habsburger Empire. The first time it was mentioned was when the Count of Gowenstein became the owner in 1212. The castle owned and ruled the community of Auenstein. The count governed the entire community and had his own court system. The ownership of Auenstein changed hands in 1307 from the Count of Gowenstein to Herren von Rynach, through the Duke of Austria. The Herren von Rynach built the first church in Auenstein in 1302. The castle burned in 1389 when it was attacked by the Austrians and Berners. During the attack, approximately 100 Auensteiners were killed. (Source)

Tags: castle, aargau, auenstein, switzerland, sightseeing

Tags: castle, aargau, auenstein, switzerland, sightseeing
feuman - 30. Dec, 11:52
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